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1.5 тысяч видео
Finding out a 0.5 Watt Class A audio amplifier, how does that work? Experiment, schem. & explanation
TPA3116 Chip tested: 2x50 W audio, USB and Card audio in, LS out, line out, bluetoo & remote control
Two too simple 150 mW class A audio amps with 2 transistors, usable on 3 Volt at 125 mA constant
Charge a NiCad pack of 4 cells to 5 Volt. Basic circuit for AC/DC & about the basics of charging
Precision potentiometer (precise to 1 Millivolt). Schematic with 3 of them used, to do that job
TDA 2615 audio Chip amp 2 x 6 Watt max. from Philips, pure Hi Fi, datasheet & links how to make it
Field Effect Transistor tester for small signal FETS and MOSFETS, via the oscillation principle
The MC 34063 A tested as STEP UP converter DC to DC schematic and demo (low to higher DC voltage)
The MC 34063A (DC to DC up/down) Buck Converter Chip from Texas Instruments tested (schem/demo)
The Astabile Multivibrator can always fool you (happy flickering Christmas lights) schem/demo
Experimental oscillator with the NE 5532 p Chip (300 Hz-9KC) & a square wave to sine wave LF filter
Beginners 1 transistor audio or HF amplifier. The grounded emitter schematic, 2 times showed
Relaxation or blocking oscillator (HV or whatever): about their strange behaviour (demo & schematic)
how audio (could have) sounded on 14 may 1968
mono stabile (one shot) generator with 2 transistors (experimental circuit)
BBC Radio received on Long Wave at Night at 3.27 hr. Dutch time 29apr2023 via my homebrew LW Radio
The Philips Technical Magazine of the 1950s-1960s: they were far ahead in their technic. revolutions
Frequency divider by 10 or more (schem. & demo with the 7490 TTL Chip + link to analog freq. meter)
You like the Germanium sound? This shows a 1 transistor Germanium pre amplifier & tells more (text)
Copying and mimicking a drawn electronic schematic to a board and make it work
open air coil completely shielded with tin plate, effects on the frequency
How to repair burned out resistors in a AVO (Ampère/Volt/Ohms) meter when you don't know their value
Change a 500 uA meter into a 1 Amp. or even 10 Amp. meter with a shunt, say a piece of copper wire
Browsing a French electronics magazine of 1964 with 11 (!) different Astabile Muvib. schematics
LM 386 0.3 Watt audio amp with noise reduction for a Shortwave radio demo + schemat. of the end-amp.
shortwave radio VFO oscillator circuit
Talking about a class B audio amplifier of the 1970's, a failed (?) circuit and a lot to tell/demo
Making a very simple oscilloscope Part 3: aligning the CRT tube and shielding it for EM influences
About ferrite materials & ferrite antenna for LW or MW or SW or radio coils to be tuned 1MC-30MC etc
Making a 2 tube stereo audio amp with the triode pentode ECL 80 first ideas and good practice, Pt1
Sine wave to square wave converter 1 KC-1 MC with 2 transistors and 2 potmeters: schematic & demo.
Audio pre amplifier & tone control (bass-high), a classical circuit of the 1970s demo & schematic
Very simple SW superheterodyne radio (2-10 MHz), part 1
P MOSFET IRF 9504 N drives a high current load and does not get too hot (schematic & demo)
barlow wadley xcr 30 mark 2 radio receiver
Testing the LM 317 Voltage Regulator, giving it a hard test but it works OK. Schematic & demo.
Transistor used as temperature sensor, how to make that work: demo & schematic (Germanium-Silicium)
Change a square wave into sine wave on very low frequencies -proof of principle circuit-
Analog timer switch for very long times (= many hours) electronic schematic
Rebuilding/downgrading a high Q Farnell Sine wave oscillator VLOG 3: FET oscill (130KC-12MC) schema.
What is the lowest voltage where an Astabile MUVIB made with Silicon transist. can work? (schematic)
When Astable Muvibs don't want to oscillate when the voltage is slowly applied. Why? And what to do?
More versatile A stabile Multivibrator made with 2 FETS (schematic) 50 Hz-8 KHz and more
Astabile Multivibrator with FETS, not ideal, 30 Hz-12 KC schematic and demo, fun for experiments
YX 8018 joule thief Chip. I was trying to amplify the LED output via a transistor, more info in text
Rebuilding/downgrading a high Q Farnell sine wave generator to a simpe circuit 100KC - 10MC (VLOG 1)
Easy 2 transistor Wien Bridge Sine wave oscillator 5 Hz - 33 KC schematic & demo and more, read text
Table microphone with audio limiter first experimental results: 741 Opamp & NPN transistors (VLOG)
Changing an electric fly swatter/catcher into a gas light "sparker"? That proved to be not so easy
2 transistor sine wave oscillator with deck switch freq. between 150 Hz and 22 KHz (schematic)