The Best Math Textbook for Everyone

Опубликовано: 20 Май 2021
на канале: Daniel Rubin

I discuss one of my favorite math textbooks, Fourier Analysis: An Introduction by Elias Stein and Rami Shakarchi. I recommend this book to everyone in a STEM field who knows multivariable calculus and has some familiarity with ODE and linear algebra.

This book is excellent for initiating students into analysis. Students need not wait until after a semester of real analysis to learn from this book.

Amazon link:
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Check out my other math book recommendation videos!
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Check out my series Tricky Parts of Calculus, a series that covers the subtle and difficult topics in calculus that are usually missed in a calculus class. See the whole playlist here:    • Tricky Parts of Calculus  

And check out my podcast for great conversations about math and other topics:    • Daniel Rubin Show, Full episodes  

Let me know what you think of this book in the comments, or if you have a different preference for treatment of Fourier analysis.