Infinite Sets and Foundations (Joel David Hamkins) | Ep. 17

Опубликовано: 28 Август 2021
на канале: Daniel Rubin

Joel David Hamkins is a Professor of Logic with appointments in Philosophy and Mathematics at Oxford University. His main interest is in set theory. We discuss the field of set theory: what it can say about infinite sets and which issues are unresolved, and the relation of set theory to philosophical issues concerning the foundations of mathematics.

Joel's website:
Joel's Youtube channel:    / @joeldavidhamkins5484  
Joel's post summarizing ongoing work in set theory:

Joel's recent books:
Proof and the Art of Mathematics
Lectures on the Philosophy of Mathematics
(these are my affiliate links)

0:00 Intro
2:11 Joel's background. Interaction between math and philosophy
9:04 Joel's work; infinite chess.
14:45 Infinite ordinals
22:27 The Cantor-Bendixson process
29:41 Uncountable ordinals
32:10 First order vs. second order theories
41:16 Non-standard analysis
46:57 The ZFC axioms and well-ordering of the reals
58:11 Showing independence of statements. Models and forcing.
1:04:38 Sets, classes, and categories
1:19:22 Is there one true set theory? Are projective sets Lebesgue measurable?
1:30:20 What does set theory look like if certain axioms are rejected?
1:36:06 How to judge philosophical positions about math
1:42:01 Concrete math where set theory becomes relevant. Tarski-Seidenberg on positive polynomials.
1:48:48 Goodstein sequences and the use of infinite ordinals
1:58:43 The state of set theory today
2:01:41 Joel's recent books

Check out my discussion with Norman Wildberger on whether to admit infinite sets to which we refer several times:    • Math Debate: Real numbers and the inf...  

Playlist of full episodes of this podcast:    • Daniel Rubin Show, Full episodes  

Also check out my Tricky Parts of Calculus series of lectures:    • Tricky Parts of Calculus