This video tutorial shows you how to install Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.1.38, a free download that allows you to create virtual machines on Kali Linux 2022.3 computer, install operating systems such as Windows or Linux on them and run them virtually.
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Downloading VirtualBox: 0:00
Installing VirtualBox: 1:40
Installing Extension Pack: 8:36
Creating a New Virtual Machine: 9:55
Delete the Virtual Machine: 12:00
Uninstalling VirtualBox: 12:30
You can follow the steps below to install and use Oracle software on your #KaliLinux operating system.
Step 1: Open your default web browser on your Kali PC and write in the address line and visit the website.
Step 2: Click Download VirtualBox 6.1 on the VirtualBox download website and click Debian 11 on the website where the opened Linux distributions are available.
Step 3: Save the VirtualBox.deb setup file to your computer and wait for the download to complete.
Step 4: After the download, open the terminal and update the configuration file containing the packages installed on your system.
Step 5: Install the necessary kernel headers for Oracle software.
Step 6: Go to the location where you downloaded #VirtualBox and start the installation of the program.
Step 7: When you see that additional packages are not installed on your system during installation, install these packages manually or by adding the Debian repository address.
Step 8: After adding the Debian repo address to sources.list, update the package list again using the sudo apt update command. Then force install additional packages.
Step 9: If you see the Linux kernel error this time in the VirtualBox installation, download and install the relevant deb package and its dependent packages.
Step 10: After downloading all the required deb packages, go to the download location and start the installation of all the packages.
Step 11: After installing the additional packages, run the virtualbox command in the terminal and start the program. This time, when you see that you need to update the Linux kernels, compile the Linux kernels.
Step 12: When you run VirtualBox again after compilation, you will not encounter an error this time.
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