How to Use Snapshots in VirtualBox on Windows 11, Linux, and macOS | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 29 Май 2023
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video tutorial shows you how to take and restore Snapshots for any virtual machine installed on the Oracle VM VirtualBox virtualization program running on a Linux, Windows 10 / 11, or macOS operating system.

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Taking a Snapshot: 0:00
Restore a Snapshot: 1:30

To get Snapshot:

Step 1: If you haven't installed VirtualBox on Windows 10 before, please refer to the video below.

➦    • How to Install VirtualBox 5 on Window...  

Step 2: For example, after installing VBox, you installed a Windows 10 operating system in a new virtual machine. If you want to back up this virtual machine, you should use the Snapshot feature.

Step 3: Open the virtualization program and select the virtual machine you want to back up, and then click Machine / Take Snapshot from the menu.

Step 4: Type a name and description for the backup and click OK to continue.

Step 5: Wait for a #Snapshot of the virtual machine to be created. This may take a while depending on the performance of your computer.

Step 6: After backing up the Windows 10 VM, you can undo the changes you made in the system with one click.

Step 7: Select the Snapshot you just took and click the Restore button.

Step 8: Finally, you will see that your Windows 10 virtual machine has been successfully restored.

Step 9: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more information on #VirtualBox virtualization!

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