How to Re-Add a Previously Installed Virtual Machine into VirtualBox | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 01 Июнь 2023
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video tutorial shows you how you can add virtual machines you have created before with Oracle VM VirtualBox, a great virtualization program you use on your Windows 11, Linux, or macOS computer.

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Re-Add VM with Vbox File: 0:00
Re-Add VM from VirtualBox GUI: 1:00
Re-Add VM from Terminal: 2:55

Let's say you previously set up a Windows virtual machine and have this VM on an external disk or anywhere on your system.

To #add your virtual computer back to the program, double-click the VBOX file from the directory in its location. If you want to use #VirtualBox's user interface, you can open the virtual machine window from the Machine / Add path from the tool menu and show the location of the VBOX file.

Users with advanced computer knowledge know how to re-add this #VM. However, users new to the virtualization world may confuse such simple tasks.

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