100% sourdough starter into 50% Levito Madre overnight! The most tender sourdough babka!

Опубликовано: 14 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Dinner is served

Braided bread, zavyvanets or this pastry is also called babka - regardless of the name, it is a tasty, rich, sweet and moderately moist pastry. Today I will show you how you can very easily get a 50% sweet stiff sourdough starter from a 100% hydration sourdough starter, as close as possible to Levito Madre, in just one night! We will feed the sourdough starter and cook 2 types of babka. We will prepare a universal sourdough that can be used not only for braids, but also for many other sourdough-based pastries.
As usual, I will share in great detail so that you can do it too!

Beautiful Ceramic Babka Pan and More by Onemore:

For 50% LM:
25 g 100% wheat sourdough starter cold
35 g water
20 g sugar
80 g flour
all 50% sourdough sweet stiff starter
600 g all purpose flour - 11.7% protein
300 g milk
2 eggs
80 g sugar
8 g salt
125 g butter

4 tbsp honey/apricot/peach jam - liquid part
4 tbsp water

For top - almond petals optional

For fruit filling - thick jam

For cinnamon filling:
50 g butter
5 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon

Bake 180C (350F) - 35-40 minutes

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#dinnerisserved #sourdough #sourdoughbabka