Watch Part 2 here: • Carbs Are Making People Fat and Diabe...
Alexandre's references about a low carb diet being superior for weight loss to low fat diets:
As you can see, severe calorie restriction is involved in the first study, and in all studies, the "low fat" diet being compared is not truly low fat. Up to 30% of calories are still coming from fat, and I doubt the subjects ate a healthy plant based diet. No wonder the results aren't that good. The meta-analysis also notes that there was no clinical relevance to the studies and further studies still have to be done to determine the safely of long term ketogenic or very low carb diets (in terms of renal, hepatic and endothelial function/health).
Studies about colorectal cancer and meat intake (particularly red and processed meat). These are just a few. It's easy to look up more:
I'm a high carb vegan, and have been for over 4 years. I lost belly fat and significantly reduced severe acne through becoming vegan. I share videos that I hope will help you on your journey to becoming healthier, while also being kinder to the animals and the environment.
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My Authority Nutrition Smackdown Series: • Meat Rots In Your Colon | 8 Ridiculou...