A few days ago I made a video about sugar and diabetes. Watch it here: • Sugar Myth 1: Sugar/Carbs Cause Diabetes
I sent the video link by email to a friend as he was interested in this topic. He watched it and replied: Interesting video, thanks for sharing. What do you think about studies (from the University of California San Francisco) like this: http://www.ucsf.edu/news/2013/02/1359... (article about Lustig’s study)
So this is my response.
Bottom line: If you limit your carbohydrate intake you are depriving your cells, which run on glucose. Your body can get its calories from carbohydrates, fat or protein. If you go on a low carb diet, you will need to get your calories from either fat or protein to survive. According to the World Health Organisation, we should be getting around 5% of our calories from protein, which is easy exceeded when eating only plants. Too much protein causes health problems, as explained in one of my previous videos. You can also read Dr McDougall’s article about high protein diets. A high fat diet is not a healthy option, because it decreases insulin sensitivity and causes the diabetes in the first place.
High carb plant foods such as fruit, grains and starchy vegetables already provide around 5-10% of calories from protein. So that leaves us with one option for optimum health. To prevent and reverse diabetes, as well as obesity and other diet related illnesses, a whole foods plant based diet is the most effective.
http://www.ucsf.edu/news/2013/02/1359... (article about Lustig’s study)
Lustig’s Study:
Sugar The Bitter Truth: What 300g + of Fructose A Day For Over A Decade Has Done To Me. (Durianrider’s video: warning coarse language): • Sugar The Bitter Truth: What 300g + o...
The Bitter Truth: Durianrider Rants (warning: coarse language)
• Sugar - The Bitter Truth Robert Lusti...
Cholesterol Confusion A Large and Fluffy Distraction (About Robert Lustig): • 25 Cholesterol Confusion 8 A Large an...
Journal Article referenced by McDougall:
Brunzell JD, Lerner RL, Hazzard WR, Porte D Jr, Bierman EL. Improved glucose tolerance with high carbohydrate feeding in mild diabetes. N Engl J Med. 1971 Mar 11; 284(10): 521-4.
High Protein Diets: https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/ed...
An Evolved Fuel System (Plant Positive’s Channel – a high carb diet for reversing disease): • 34 An Evolved Fuel System2
I stole the thumbnail from Durianrider...