Dr Mercola doesn't reference studies done on humans eating fruit, but rather studies done on mice eating high fructose corn syrup.
Insulin Index of Foods:
Dr Neal Barnard's TED talk:
• Tackling diabetes with a bold new die...
If fructose is bad, what about fruit?
• If Fructose Is Bad, What About Fruit?
Success stories:
Channels shown (for blood tests)
Durianrider: / durianriders
Freelee the Banana Girl: / freelea
Potato Strong: / potatostrong
Annie Jaffrey: / anniejaffrey
Rice and Raw: / riceandraw
I'm a high carb vegan, and have been for over 4 years. I lost belly fat and significantly reduced severe acne through becoming vegan. I share videos that I hope will help you on your journey to becoming healthier, while also being kinder to the animals and the environment.
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Instagram: / lisanloves
Facebook: / lisanloves
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My Sugar Myths Series Playlist:
• Sugar/Carbs Mythbusting