This video shows you the steps of setting up Microsoft Windows 95 step by step in Windows 10 with Oracle VM VirtualBox virtualization software.
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✅ This video tutorial has been updated: • How to Install Windows 95 on VirtualB...
To install Windows 95 on VM:
Step 1: If you did not install the Oracle virtualization software before, please refer to the video below.
➦ • How to Install VirtualBox 5 on Window...
Step 2: After you install it, you can create new virtual machines and install Microsoft's new and old operating systems.
Step 3: First, download the #Windows95 ISO file from the following link to your computer.
Step 4: After downloading the ISO file to your computer, open the virtualization program, and click the New button to switch to virtual machine creation.
Step 5: Write the name of the operating system that you will install in the new virtual machine creation window and specify the type and version.
Name: Windows 95
Type: Microsoft Windows
Version: Windows 95
Step 6: Specify the RAM value for the Win95 virtual machine and click Next.
Step 7: In the Hard Disk Configuration window, highlight the Create a New Virtual Hard Disk Now option and click the Create button.
➦ Create a New Virtual Hard Disk Now
Step 8: In the Hard Disk File Type window, select VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) and click Next.
➦ Disk VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)
Step 9: Backing up the Win95 virtual disk to a Fixed Size is important for performance.
➦ Fixed Size
Step 10: In the File Location and Size window, specify the size to be sufficient for VM and specify its location. Then click the Create button to create the virtual disk.
Step 11: After creating the virtual disk, open Win95 Settings, and add the ISO file to the virtual machine.
Step 12: Add the floppy disk image to the virtual machine.
➦ Windows 95a.img
Step 13: Now run the Win95 virtual machine. The virtual machine will boot over Floppy and switch to MS-DOS mode.
Step 14: You must prepare the Win95 disc for setup. To do this, you will use the fdisk command. On the MS-DOS screen, perform the following commands.
➦ fdisk
➦ Press Y.
➦ format C:
➦ Press Y.
➦ Press Enter.
➦ C:
➦ mkdir WIN95
➦ copy R:\WIN95\*.* C:\WIN95
Step 15: After copying the installation files, start the installation with the setup command.
➦ setup
➦ Press Enter.
Step 16: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on #VirtualBox virtualization training!
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