This video tutorial will show you how to legally install Adobe Photoshop 2022, great software for editing your photos, without a credit/debit card, on an Apple Mac computer running macOS Monterey 12 or macOS Ventura 13 currently installed.
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Downloading and Installing Photoshop: 0:00
Running Photoshop: 8:10
Uninstalling Photoshop: 9:05
Uninstalling Creative Cloud: 10:24
With the #Photoshop program developed by Adobe, you can edit and modify your digital photos and create images for magazines or newspapers. You can also create a great-looking project by creating graphics for the web.
Supporting both Windows and macOS platforms, you can install Photoshop on your computer for a 7-day trial period and then create a subscription via Adobe when you want to purchase it.
After you legally install Adobe Photoshop on your #Mac, you can use it without limitation during the trial period.
You can follow the steps below to install the latest version of Photoshop, 2022, on your #macOS operating system.
Step 1: First, visit the link below and create a new account on Adobe. If you have an account, log in using your personal information.
Step 2: After logging in, visit the link below and view the Creative Cloud page.
Step 3: Click the Try for Free button under Photoshop on the Creative Cloud website.
Step 4: Click the Try button again on the Photoshop download website.
Step 5: After downloading the Installer.dmg file to your computer, double-click it and mount it to your system.
Step 6: Click Continue in the Creative Cloud application and authenticate for the Adobe session.
Step 7: Click Start Installing when your web browser automatically switches to Creative Cloud application. At this stage, the Creative Cloud application will be downloaded first, and then Photoshop will begin to download.
Step 8: After the download is complete, Photoshop will automatically start installing on your Mac.
Step 9: After the installation is complete, you will now have a legit Photoshop app on your Mac with a 7-day trial. When you complete the trial period, you can log in to Adobe and purchase a subscription-based on your personal preference and continue using the program.
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