This video demonstrates how to integrate a Cisco Layer 3 Switch with the GNS3 network simulator software. This is ideal for those preparing for Cisco's Switching exams.
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Creating a New Project: 0:25
Adding Layer 3 Switch: 0:25
Creating a Simple Topology with L3 Switch: 2:40
Configuring VPCSs: 4:20
Configuring EtherSwitch Router: 5:05
Testing Network Connection: 6:50
If you're preparing for Cisco's Switching exams, integrating a Cisco Layer 3 Switch with GNS3 network simulator software can be extremely helpful. Using this method, you can practice and test your skills in a virtual environment, which can save time and resources.
Additionally, this video tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to integrate a Layer 3 Switch with GNS3, making it easy for users to follow along and set up their virtual network.
To add Layer 3 Switch:
Step 1: First, you need to install GNS3 on your computer. You can find installation videos for GNS3 on Windows, Linux, or macOS platforms.
Windows ➦ • How to Install GNS3 2.1 on Windows 10...
Linux ➦ • How to Install GNS3 2.1 on Ubuntu 18....
macOS ➦ • How to Install GNS3 on macOS Mojave 1...
Step 2: Once the setup is complete, the first step is to add an IOS image for a Cisco Router or Switch.
Step 3: If you need help adding a Cisco router, you can watch the video below for guidance.
Video ➦ • How to Add Cisco Router IOS Images to...
Step 4: If you want to add a #Layer3 #Switch, first download the L3 Switch IOS file from the link we shared in our guide.
Step 5: To begin, download the IOS image file onto your computer. Then, run the #GNS3 program.
Step 6: Open the window and select Edit/Preferences. Next, click on Dynamips/IOS Routers.
Step 7: To create a new IOS router template, click on the 'New' button present in the IOS Router Templates window.
Step 8: Select 'New Image' in the iOS Image window, then click the 'Browse' button to choose the IOS image.
Step 9: After adding the IOS image, select "This is an Etherswitch Router" in the Name and Platform window, and then click the Next button.
Step 10: Please input the desired RAM value for the Switch and then click on the "Next" button.
Step 11: Add the NM-16ESW interface to slot 0 in the Network Adapters window and click Next.
Step 12: You can configure the Idle-PC value for the Switch by clicking the Idle-PC Finder button in the Idle-PC window.
Step 13: Please wait while the Idle-PC value is being calculated for the L3 switch.
Step 14: Once you have set the Idle PC value, please click on the OK button to save the changes.
Step 15: Great news! You can now run and utilize the L3 Switch on GNS3!
Step 16: Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco networking training!
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