How to Backup Cisco Router's Configuration to TFTP Server using GNS3 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 16 Март 2017
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video shows you how to back up the configuration of a Cisco Router to a TFTP Server using GNS3.

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To back up the #Router #configuration:

Step 1: First, create a new project on #GNS3 and add a Router, Switch, and virtual machine to the workspace.

Step 2: Configure the VMnet settings of the virtual machine according to the network topology.

Step 3: Install the SolarWinds TFTP Server on the virtual machine and start the service.

Step 4: Configure the FastEthernet interface of the Cisco Router and ping the network devices and test the connection.

Step 5: Also create a new user in the Router and enable the telnet connection.

Step 6: Execute the copy running-config tftp command at the CLI prompt to back up all configurations you have made on the router to the TFTP server.

Step 7: Type the IP address of the TFTP server (VM) in the Remove Host field and press Enter.

Step 8: Now check the backup folder of the server running on your virtual computer and check if the running-config file has been copied.

Step 9: You can also back up the Router's initial configuration. To back up the startup-config file, execute the copy startup-config tftp command.

Step 10: If the Router fails, you can easily restore the whole configuration when you add a new Router. To restore the running-config file to the Router, execute the copy tftp R1_config.

Step 11: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco networking training with GNS3!


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