This video shows you the steps to set up and configure the Solarwinds TFTP server as server and client on Windows 10 host and virtual machine.
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To install a #TFTP #Server:
Step 1: First, download the Solarwinds TFTP Server software from the link below to your computer.
Step 2: Create and run a #Windows10 virtual machine with VMware on your computer.
Step 3: Copy the downloaded file into the virtual machine and start the setup wizard by running the file as an administrator.
Step 4: Complete the installation of the server software and run it by clicking on the shortcut created on the desktop.
Step 5: Now install TFTP Client service from Windows Features on your host.
Step 6: Open CMD and run the tftp command to check if the service is running.
Step 7: Return to the virtual machine and click on Configure from the File menu of the TFTP server.
Step 8: Start the service from the Status section and configure the folder where the files will be backed up.
Step 9: For example, create two text documents in the Root folder on the virtual server.
Step 10: Go to the desktop location at the CMD command prompt on your host and use the tftp i- (server ip address) get (filename and extension) command to copy the file from the server to the desktop.
Step 11: If the copying process takes a long time, temporarily turn off the TFTP server's Windows Firewall and try again.
Step 12: Do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos about Windows and virtualization training!
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