Delicious Goan Stuffed Mango Pickle!
Treat your taste buds to the tangy goodness of Goan Stuffed Mango pickle! Simply follow our detailed step by step recipe & make this mouth watering Stuffed Mango Pickle at home. Guaranteed to add a burst of flavour to any meal. Get Cooking Now!
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Chapters with Timestamps:
00:00 - Goan Stuffed Mango Pickle
00:21 - Step 1 - Preparing the Raw Mangoes
01:52 - Step 2 - Checking the Raw Mangoes
02:46 - Step 3 - Preparing the Reserve Liquid
03:40 - Step 4 - Preparing Oil for the Pickle
04:13 - Step 5 - Preparing the Pickle Masala
07:04 - Step 6 - Stuffing the Mangoes
07:30 - Step 7 - Storing the Mango Pickle
Raw Mangoes - Around 25
Natural Sea Salt / Coarse Sea Salt - for filling + 3 tbsp
( reduce the quantity if using Fine Table Salt )
Sunflower Oil / Cooking Oil - 1 cup / 250 ml + 3 tbsp
Mustard Oil - ½ cup / 125 ml
Black Peppercorns - 10
Fenugreek / Methi Seeds - ¼ tsp
Asafoetida / Hing ( whole ) - 1 inch piece
( If not using whole Asafoetida / Hing, then add ½ tsp of Asafoetida / Hing powder )
Mustard seeds - 2 tbsp
Mustard Dal - 2 tbsp ( optional )
( Use the link below to buy Mustard Dal : )
Turmeric / Haldi powder - 1 tsp
Kashmiri Red Chillies - 8
Bedgi Red Chillies ( medium spicy ) - 8
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