This video shows you the steps to select and configure a Root Bridge on Cisco Switch using Cisco Packet Tracer.
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To select the #Switch as #Root #Bridge:
Step 1: Turn on the PT and add 3 switches to the work area and wire them.
Step 2: You need to specify the mac addresses to determine the device to be the root bridge. To do this, execute the show version command at the CLI command prompt of the switches you added and note the value in the Base Ethernet MAC Address section on the printout.
Step 3: Then, run the show spanning-tree command in enable mode on all devices and note their Priority values in the Bridge ID section.
Step 4: If the Priority values of the device that will be Bridge in the network environment are equal, the MAC addresses are checked and the device with the smallest address becomes Root.
Step 5: The SW3 device in the network topology in your video tutorial is the Root Bridge.
Step 6: The devices added to the network up to this step are configured by default according to Priority or MAC addresses. However, to configure a device that you have determined according to your network structure as a Root Bridge, you must configure this process manually on the device.
Step 7: For example, to set the SW1 device as Root, you need to execute the spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 4096 command in config mode at the CLI prompt.
Step 8: To verify this process, you need to execute the show spanning-tree command in the enable mode of the relevant device and check the This bridge is the root message.
Step 9: Do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco training with Packet Tracer!
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