How to Install VirtualBox Extension Pack on Linux Mint 19 / 18 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 04 Февраль 2018
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video shows you the steps to install the Extension Pack on the Oracle VM VirtualBox virtualization program on Linux Mint 19 / 18.

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To install the #Extension #Pack:

Step 1: If you haven't installed #Mint with VirtualBox before, please refer to the video below.

Video ➦    • How to Install Linux Mint 18 Sylvia C...  

Step 2: After installing it, install a clean VirtualBox virtualization program.

Step 3: After installing VBox, you need to install Extension Pack. With this package software, you can use virtual machines more efficiently.

Step 4: Now, download the Extension Pack from the link below to your computer.


Step 5: After downloading the file to your computer, double click on Extension Pack to start its installation. Click the Install button in the Question window and press Enter after typing your root password.

Step 6: You can check the Extension Pack software that has been installed in the Preferences / Extension section.

Step 7: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Linux education!


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