Cerise was born here on the property and I inherited the 3 donkeys when I bought the house. I don’t think she’s ever left it. I’ve been training Cerise and Coco to be led happily at home (Noisette, the old donkey, was already happy to be handled), and this was the first time we ventured out.
Day 1: Cerise was NOT at all convinced that leaving home was a good idea. Big, scary world out there! We went maybe 30m up the road, took it really slowly, let her explore and gave her loads of rewards. This is a mini walk. Day 2: Much happier to go further afield, though still exploring everything and a bit wary. We went a tiny bit further, but not much.
Day 3: She’s got it! After 2 good experiences, Cerise started to realise that exploring with her herd mates was fun! We were able to go quite a bit further and she was happy to walk with all 3 of us.Of course, this was only possible thanks to Sophie and Angelica - having training friends to visit is the best! Please come back soon, guys! The donkeys think so, too, as we’ve now raised their hopes and I can’t yet manage all 3 on my own so I’m getting brayed at daily by disappointed donks!
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