15 тысяч подписчиков
162 видео
Groundwork P6: Lunging Around a Round Pen.
12 Techniques to Calm Down a Spooking Horse with Positive Reinforcement
Toby the Painting Pony! Trick training for fun and enrichment with a retired horse.
Why Do Some Horses Drop Their Penis When Training?
The Way Horses Feel: 1. Living The Good Life - The SEEKING System
How to Build Your Horse's Topline with Groundwork in 3 Months CASE STUDY and EXERCISES
Separation Anxiety Training - No more barn sour, buddy sour or herd bound horses
Taking Old Horses for a Walk
Which Treats to use when Clicker Training Your Horse? Options and Why
How to train your horse to pick up hind feet calmly and positively
Ridden Aids and Cues with Positive Reinforcement - What Are Your Options?
My favourite way to teach hip targeting
Needs his hooves trimmed… Can’t touch him!
Connected, Independent, Confident Problem-solver - I want it all!
What to do when your horse says "no."
Improve your FEEL down the Reins
Can a horse enjoy being ridden?
Is your browband too small?
Which saddles do I use for my horses?
How to Train Balance for Hind Leg Lifts
4 Ways to Train Touching Your Horse’s Legs POSITIVELY
How to train your horse for injections
Have you ever thought of training voice cues?
Groundwork Pole Exercise for Strength and Suppleness