How to Install Windows 95 on VMware Fusion 12 in Mac/macOS | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 09 Ноябрь 2021
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video shows you the steps of installing Windows 95 in a new virtual machine using VMware Fusion 12 Pro on the macOS operating system on a Mac computer.

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Creating a New Virtual Machine: 0:00
Installing Windows 95: 2:16
Installing VMware Tools: 14:50
Installing the Display Adapter: 20:00
Resolving Windows Protection Error: 23:10
Changing the Screen Resolution: 25:30
File Transfer using Drag and Drop Between Mac and VM: 26:05
Configuring the Internet Connection: 27:00
Installing the Audio Driver: 31:00
Installing Chipset Drivers: 37:50
Installing System Drivers: 43:00
Installing USB Drivers: 46:00
Using USB Flash Memory in the Virtual Machine: 49:45

Step 1: After installing the #VMwareFusion virtualization software on your Mac, select Create a custom virtual machine in the virtual machine installation methods options and click the Continue button.

Step 2: Select #Windows95 in the Guest operating system selection window and click Continue again.

Step 3: Continue with Create a new virtual disk for a clean Windows 95 installation in the virtual disk selection window.

Step 4: Click Customize Settings to better configure the virtual hardware settings in the summary information window of the virtual machine.

Step 5: In the window that opens, select an external location where you want to save your virtual computer or click Save to confirm the default location.

Step 6: When the settings of the Windows 95 guest machine are opened, click Processors & Memory and assign 1 virtual processor and 64 MB memory size to your virtual system.

Step 7: In the Network Adapter settings, select the type of network adapter as Ethernet. You can connect to your host's local network using Ethernet on a Windows 95 guest machine.

Step 8: Finally, click on the CD/DVD (SATA) device and add the Windows 95 ISO file you downloaded to your #macOS operating system to the virtual machine.

Step 9: Close the settings of the Windows 95 virtual machine and run your guest machine in the Fusion program and start the installation.

Step 10: After installing the Windows 95 system, click Virtual Machine / Install VMware Tools in the Fusion tool menu and install VMware Tools.

Step 11: After installing VMware Tools, you can fit the screen resolution of the Windows 95 guest machine to the full screen and transfer files between the host and the VM.

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