This video shows you how to configure and use the Virtual PC Simulator (VPCS) on the GNS3 network simulator program used for Cisco training.
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To configure #VPCS:
Step 1: If you have not installed #GNS3 on Windows, Linux, or macOS before, please refer to the following videos.
Windows ➦ • How to Install GNS3 2.1 on Windows 10...
Linux ➦ • How to Install GNS3 2.1 on Ubuntu 18....
macOS ➦ • How to Install GNS3 on macOS Mojave 1...
Step 2: While configuring advanced network topologies on GNS3, you can add and use virtual machines created on VMware or VirtualBox. However, you do not reduce the performance of your computer by configuring VPCS.
Step 3: Also, please refer to the video below to add a virtual machine.
Video ➦ • How to Integrate GNS3 with VMware Wor...
Step 4: To use VPCS, first open the program and create a small topology.
Step 5: Add two VPCSs to the workspace.
Step 6: Define the IP block for VPCSs. To assign an IP address, double-click on it.
Step 7: Use the command ip at the CLI command prompt.
➦ ip (IP Address) / (Subnet Mask) (Default Gateway)
Step 8: You can use the show ip command at the command prompt to check the TCP/IP configuration.
➦ show ip
Step 9: Similarly, configure the other VPCS.
Step 10: Test the network connection by pinging.
Step 11: You can use ip dns at the command prompt to add the DNS address.
➦ ip dns (DNS Address)
Step 12: After configuring DHCP on the Cisco Router, use the ip dhcp command at the prompt to assign the IP address via DHCP.
➦ ip dhcp
Step 13: If you want to delete the TCP/IP settings, use the clear ip command.
➦ clear ip
Step 14: You can also save all the settings you made on VPCS using the save command.
Step 15: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on GNS3 and Cisco networking training!
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