How to Install Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2 on Kali Linux 2022 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 24 Август 2022
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video tutorial shows you how to install Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2, published for free by Netacad, which allows you to use network devices such as Cisco Router, Switch or Firewall virtually on a PC with Kali Linux 2022.3.

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Downloading Packet Tracer: 0:00
Installing Packet Tracer: 4:30
Creating a Desktop Shortcut: 7:25
Creating a New Project: 8:30
Uninstalling Packet Tracer: 12:35

You can follow the steps below to install the Cisco simulator program on #KaliLinux, one of the most preferred Linux distributions by users.

Step 1: Visit the Netacad website by clicking the link below to download Packet Tracer for your Linux distribution.


Step 2: If you do not have an account with Netacad, you can download Packet Tracer from websites on the Internet, but it is recommended to download it from the official website. So, create a new account and login to Netacad.

Step 3: After logging into Netacad, click Resources from the menus and click Download Packet Tracer.

Step 4: After scrolling down the webpage a little bit, click the download button under "Ubuntu Desktop Version 8.2.0 English" and save the deb file to your computer.

Step 5: Open the terminal on your Kali system and navigate to the location where you downloaded the deb file.

Step 6: Use the sudo dpkg command to install the PacketTracer.deb file.

Step 7: If you see that dependent packages for the Cisco simulator should be installed in the terminal, install additional packages as well.

Step 8: After installing #PacketTracer, search for it from the start menu, find it, and run it.

Step 9: When the login screen opens, enter your Netacad account information and log in as you need to log in to Cisco Networking Academy.

Step 10: When you encounter the Cisco Packet Tracer working environment, you can now add the devices you selected from the network devices section to the working environment and create projects.

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