How to Upgrade Hardware Compatibility on VMware Workstation 14 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 29 Сентябрь 2017
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video shows you the steps to change the Hardware Compatibility of a virtual machine on VMware Workstation 14.

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To change the hardware compatibility of a virtual machine:

Step 1: If you haven't installed a VMware Workstation on Windows or Linux before, see the videos below.

Windows ➦    • How to Install VMware Workstation 14 ...  
Linux ➦    • How to Install VMware Workstation 14 ...  

Step 2: When you update the old version of #VMware software to the new version, you need to update or upgrade the hardware compatibility of the virtual machines you have installed.

Step 3: Add a virtual machine that you previously installed to the new version.

Step 4: Click on Upgrade this virtual machine.

Step 5: Click Next in the Change #Hardware #Compatibility Wizard window.

Step 6: Select the new version of the program (Workstation Number.x) from Hardware Compatibility and click Next.

Step 7: You will see two options in the Clone Before Converting window. Select Change this virtual machine and click Next.

Step 8: Click Finish to apply the changes.

Step 9: Click the Close button after upgrading the hardware compatibility.

Step 10: You can now run your virtual machine and update VMware Tools.

Step 11: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos about VMware virtualization training!

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