How to Install VMware Tools on Windows 7 Virtual Machine | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 08 Февраль 2019
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video shows you the steps of installing VMware Tools on your Windows 7 virtual machine.

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To install VM Tools in Windows 7:

Step 1: Previously, if you did not install Win 7 with the VMware Workstation virtualization program, please refer to the video below.

➦    • How to Install Windows 7 on VMware Wo...  

Step 2: After installing Windows 7 on the virtual machine, the first thing you should do is to install VM Tools.

Step 3: Installing VMware Tools for Windows Guests contains exactly the same steps.

Step 4: After you install VM Tools on Win 7, you can use the virtual machine more effectively.

Step 5: VMware Tools is located in VMware Workstation and you do not need to download it. If a new version of VM Tools is published, you can manually install it.

Step 6: To install VM Tools on Win 7 in VMware, click VM / Install VM Tools.

Step 7: Click Next in the VM Tools Setup Wizard window.

Step 8: We recommend that you select Complete when installing VMware Tools on Windows 7. Complete the VM Tools installation by selecting Complete.

Step 9: After installing VM Tools, restart the virtual machine to make the settings active.

Step 10: Watch the entire video to install VM Tools on Guest step by step.

Step 11: Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on VMware virtualization training!

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