Mineral Resources-unit-1-lect-9-206-B.pharm/BSc/BA

Опубликовано: 21 Март 2024
на канале: MS Science Academy

Mineral Resources
Minerals are naturally occurring chemical compounds formed through inorganic processes under the crust of the earth.
Types of Minerals
 Metallic Minerals – Pure Metals are obtained by chemical process. Ex. Iron, copper, gold, bauxite, manganese, etc.
 Non-Metallic Minerals – Used in their naturally occurring state. Ex. limestone, manganese, mica, gypsum, coal, dolomite, phosphate, salt, granite, etc.
 Fuel Minerals –Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, etc.

Issues related Mineral resources

1. Over exploitation of mineral resources- the over exploitation of mineral resources can have several negative impact on environment.

2. Environmental degradation- the mining of mineral resource can result in the destruction of habitat deforestation soil erosion and water pollution

3. Health hazards mining- processing of mineral resource can release toxic substances and dust particles into the air and water leading to respiratory problems cancer and other health problems.

4. Social conflicts - exploitation of mineral resources can result in social conflicts between different stakeholders including local communities and mining companies.

It is essential to adopt sustainable practices in the use and exploitation of mineral resources such as-
1. Recycling- recycling of metal and other material reduce the need for mining and extraction of new mineral resources.

2. Conservation- adopting conservation measures such as reducing energy consumption and using alternative sources of energy reduces the overexploitation of resources.

3. Llegal mining practices-

4. Policies and regulation - government should enact policies and regulations to ensure sustainable use and exploitation of mineral resources.