Properties of Nerve Fibres
Excitability: The nerve fibres are highly excitable structures that respond to several stimuli and can also generate electrical impulses.
Conductivity: The electrical impulses generated in the nerve fibres are propagated along its entire length and to different neurons, muscles and glands by synaptic connections.
Refractory Period: The nerve fibres can conduct one action potential at once, i.e., the excitability of the fibres is less during conduction and hence a new electrical impulse cannot be generated.
The nerve fibres are not fatigued even when they are stimulated continuously.
All or None Response: A nerve fibre translates either all of the impulse or none at all. If a stimulus is applied upto a threshold level, an action potential will be generated but increasing the strength of the stimulus will not affect the action potential.
Summation: If a sub-threshold stimulus is applied, it cannot generate an action potential. However, when multiple sub-threshold stimuli are applied in rapid succession, an action potential is generated.