This video tutorial shows you how to resolve the "Missing Dependencies Python Core / win32api" error when installing Oracle VM VirtualBox 7.0 on Windows 10/11.
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win32api Error: 0:00
Installing Python: 1:32
Fixing Missing Dependencies Python Core / win32api: 3:20
Installing VirtualBox: 5:02
As you know, many innovations were presented to users with the VirtualBox 7.0 version. One of them is to enable the virtualization software to work more stable and for professional use, Python software was integrated to provide ease of access to Windows APIs.
Therefore, while installing the VirtualBox program, you will see a window informing you that "Python win32api" must also be installed on your system.
Step 1: To fix the Python win32api error, first visit and download python.
Step 2: After installing the Python application, open CMD or PowerShell and execute the command below in the terminal.
py -m pip install pywin32
Step 3: If you see a new version for pip, execute the command below in the terminal in the same way to update the current version.
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
Step 4: After installing the Pywin32 extension, you will no longer see the warning window when installing VirtualBox.
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