How to Configure RIP Routing (RIPv1) on Cisco Router in GNS3 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 07 Июнь 2017
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video shows you how to configure the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) on Cisco Routers on the GNS3 network simulator program.

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To configure the #RIP Routing:

Step 1: If you have not installed GNS3 before, please refer to the following videos to install it on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Windows ➦    • How to Install GNS3 2.1 on Windows 10...  
Linux / Ubuntu ➦    • How to Install GNS3 VM in VMware Work...  
macOS ➦    • How to Install GNS3 on macOS High Sie...  

Step 2: After you have done the installation, if you haven't added the #Router IOS image to GNS3 before, please refer to the following video.

Video ➦    • How to Add Cisco Router IOS Images to...  

Step 3: Add two Cisco Routers and Cisco Switches to the workspace.

Step 4: Also, add 2 Cloud PCs to the workspace. To add Cloud PC, please refer to the following video.

Video ➦    • How to Configure Cloud in GNS3 | How ...  

Step 5: Connect the Cisco Routers with the Serial Interface. And do the Cisco Switch and Cloud PC connections.

Step 6: Run Cisco Routers.

Step 7: Run virtual machines on VMware Workstation connected to Cloud PC.

Step 8: Specify the IP block you want to configure before configuring Rip. (Eg

Step 9: Also, configure the IP block of the network connection between the Cisco Routers. (For example

Step 10: Open the CLI command prompt on the Cisco Routers and configure the Serial and FastEthernet interfaces.

Step 11: Once you have completed the steps required for RIP Routing, switch to the config mode and add the networks connected to the Routers to the Rip routing table.

Step 12: Perform the following commands as an example to enable the routing information protocol.

R1 (config) # router rip
R1 (config-router) # network
R1 (config-router) #
R1 (config-router) # end

R2 (config) # router rip
R2 (config-router) # network
R2 (config-router) #
R2 (config-router) # end

Step 13: Watch the video for the rest of the processes.

Step 14: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco training with #GNS3!


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