How to Create a New Virtual Machine on Hyper-V | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 23 Июнь 2021
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video tutorial shows you the steps to create and configure a new virtual machine using Hyper-V Client virtualization software on Windows 10 64 Bit operating system.

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Creating a New Virtual Machine: 0:00
Configuring the Settings of the VM: 1:32
Installing Windows 10: 2:46
Checking Internet Connection: 18:06
Checking Windows 10 Version: 18:38

Hyper-V is a Microsoft virtualization solution that can be used on personal and business computers. Using it on the same system with other virtualization software is not recommended due to incompatibility. For example, Hypervisor will cause errors when used with VMware.

Step 1: Before you start creating a new virtual machine with #HyperV, check out our video tutorial below to install it on Windows 10.

➦    • How to Install Hyper-V on Windows 10 ...  

Step 2: After installing the Hyper-V Client software on your host computer, find the program in the start menu and run it. Click Action / New / Virtual Machine from the tool menu to open the VM wizard.

Step 3: When the Before You Begin window opens, you can check the Do not show this page again option to skip viewing it again. In this window, if you click Finish, the virtual machine will be created automatically according to the default settings and you will have to fine-tune its settings later. If you continue with Next, you will continue to create a custom virtual machine.

Step 4: In the Specify Name and Location window, you must type the name of the #virtualmachine you want to install, and you can configure the installation location to an external HDD or local disk as you wish. Since it will take up more space on your physical computer, if you install it on a portable SSD or NVMe disk, it will be beneficial in terms of both performance and disk space.

Step 5: The Specify Generation window contains very important settings for the operating system to be installed. There are two builds here, Generation 1 and Generation 2. Generation 1 should be selected for the installation of older systems because it uses BIOS as firmware. Generation 2, on the other hand, should be chosen for newer versions of Windows or Linux as it supports the newer firmware type UEFI. Therefore, if you care about system security, choose Generation 2 and continue.

Step 6: You will see 1024 MB (1 GB) size by default in the Startup Memory section of the Assign Memory window because dynamic memory is enabled by default. Dynamic memory will automatically increase the size when the VM needs more memory. Still, for Windows 10 virtual machine, type 4096 MB (4 GB) in Startup Memory and continue.

Step 7: In the Configure Networking window, you will see the Default Switch uses by default. This network adapter will use NAT (Network Address Translation) to access the host's local network, as can be seen in Virtual Switch Manager.

Step 8: You need to create a new virtual disk in the Connect Virtual Hard Disk window. If you have a vdisk that you have created before, you can use the add existing disk option. By default the name of the virtual HDD will contain the system name you typed, so do not change it. The capacity of the disk will be determined by Hyper-V as 127 GB, if you still want to change it, you can configure a disk size of 50 GB.

Step 9: In the Installation Options window, you need to add a Windows or Linux ISO file to your virtual computer. You can also add the ISO file later from the VM's settings. After selecting the Install an operating system from a bootable image file option, add the Windows 10 ISO file to the guest machine via the Browse button.

Step 10: Completing the New Virtual Machine Wizard window presents you with a summary of the settings you have made. Close the summary window of the VM by clicking Finish and continue.

Step 11: After creating the virtual PC, right-click on it on Hyper-V and open Settings. In the Processor section, determine the number of virtual processors according to the hardware power of your host computer and close the window.

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