How to Use Cisco Packet Tracer | Packet Tracer Tutorial for Beginners | SYSNETTECH Solutions

Опубликовано: 09 Апрель 2017
на канале: SYSNETTECH Solutions

This video shows you the basic usage steps of the Cisco Packet Tracer simulator program for beginners.

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Using Packet Tracer for Cisco exams is really a great program for networking students. Because this program allows you to prepare for Cisco exams at no cost by simulating physical devices.

In this video tutorial you will learn:

1. Adding a computer and configuring its TCP/IP settings.
2. Adding a Cisco Switch and connecting a computer to the Switch.
3. Adding a Laptop and connecting it to the Switch.
4. Performing a network connection test using the CMD prompt on computers.
5. Adding a wireless router to the network and connecting it to the Switch.
6. Assigning the IP address to the wireless router.
7. Test network connectivity by pinging the router.
8. Configuring the design of the network using Palette Dialog.
9. Adding notes to the workspace.
10. Adding a mobile phone and connecting it to the Wireless Router.
11. Deleting specific devices in the work area.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on #PacketTracer training!


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