This video tutorial shows you how to install Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2 (8.2.0) used to prepare for Cisco exams on Windows 10.
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Downloading Packet Tracer: 0:00
Installing Packet Tracer: 3:20
Creating a New Project: 4:50
Uninstalling Packet Tracer: 8:50
Step 1: Create a new account on the Cisco Netacad website and log in.
Step 2: Click Resources / Download Packet Tracer in Netacad and click the download link in the title Windows Desktop Version 8.2.0 English.
Step 3: After downloading Packet Tracer, run the setup file as an administrator.
Step 4: Accept the license agreement of Cisco software.
Step 5: Configure the installation location as default.
Step 6: Configure the name of the folder to be created in the start menu by default.
Step 7: Create a desktop shortcut to access Cisco software faster.
Step 8: When the installation is ready, click Install and wait for the files to be copied.
Step 9: After completing the installation, run Packet Tracer.
Step 10: Confirm multi-user execution each time you run the simulation program.
Step 11: Sign in to #Cisco Networking Academy.
Step 12: After logging in, you can start using #Packet #Tracer to configure and use network devices such as Routers or Switches.
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