64 тысяч подписчиков
56 видео
Rannis Ending was mistranslated. What is the Age of Stars? [Elden Ring]
Have we lost patience for slow-paced games? [Harold Halibut]
The Narrative Splendor of Rusty Lake
Sekiro Environments — Fountainhead Palace [Japanese in Sekiro]
Prosthetic Tools I. Shuriken and Firecracker [Japanese in Sekiro]
Prosthetic Tools III. Spear, Sabimaru and Umbrella [Japanese in Sekiro]
Sekiro Environments — Ashina Outskirts [Japanese in Sekiro]
Sekiro Environments — Hirata Estate [Japanese in Sekiro]
Dragon Heirs I. The Story of Lord Takeru and Lady Tomoe [Japanese in Sekiro]