8 тысяч подписчиков
66 видео
Misleading charts #4: Uneven grouping of data
Extract colors from an element in your visualization for re-use | Extract colors with Python
Charticulator #10: How to create an Inverted column chart
Charticulator #19:How to create Progress charts
Charticulator #13: How to create a bar and column chart
Charticulator lives on as a community project!!
Matplotlib #1: Area charts
Charticulator #12: How to create a Proportion plot
How to pick two dominant colors from an image using python | Part 2
Charticulator #23: How to create an Infographic chart
Charticulator #20: How to create a bubble map
Matplotlib #2: Bar charts
Misleading charts #6:Changing the kpi definition
CBC #3: Get the book details for each book
Charticulator #25: How to create IBCS charts
1 dataset 100 matplotlib visualizations
CBC #2: Get a list of recommended books on goodreads | Python Book project
Matplotlib #4: Dumbbell charts
Dynamically assign colors in pandas and matplotlib
Do a google image search with python!
Viz 1 - 1 dataset, 100 matplotlib viz : Stacked bar chart
CBC 4#: I am stuck!
Charticulator #25: How to create peacock chart
Charticulator #2: Create a Radial bar chart
Remove monochromatic colors (too similar colors) with python | Create a color picker Part 3
Charticulator #8: How to create a Dumbbell chart
Charticulator #14: How to create a bullet chart
Face detection using python
Charticulator #1: How to create a radial column chart
H2R #3: How to read a radial column chart
Charticulator #16: How to create a matrix Chart
Charticulator #7: Create a Sankey chart without writing any code
Charticulator #22: How to create an area chart
CDL #1.2 : Comparing two or more variables with a modified dumbbell chart
Misleading charts #2: Poor labelling on Axis
Misleading Charts #8: Always check the source
Misleading charts #7: Get too creative with your chart
Misleading charts #5: Cutting off Y-Axis
Update on this channel | RIP charticulator
Charticulator #18: How to create Pie and donut charts
Charticulator #24: How to create a waffle chart
Charticulator #21: How to create a radar chart
Charticulator #26: How to create a Lollipop chart
Matplotlib #3: Dot plots
Charticulator #11: How to create a line chart and conditional format it.
CBC #1: What should I read next? | A new python project