101 подписчиков
29 видео
1. Introduction to test automation: what you need to know
9. Timing - Set Selenium Speed and sleep
3. Installing Python, Pip and Robot framework
4. Uploading files in Robot Framework
7. Running multiple test cases in multiple files | Installing Git Bash | Using command line options
4. Installing Pycharm || How to install pycharm IDE
3b. Installing Python and Pip on macOS | Installing Robot Framework | Installing Selenium
5. Writing Test Cases in Robot Framework
2 . Difference between the None and the Empty built-in variables in Robot framework | Run Keyword If
14. Using keywords in suite setup/teardown and test setup/teardown
15. Lists in robot framework
10. Wait Until keywords
20. How to import files in robot framework | How to use the Force Tags keyword
8. Running multiple test cases in a test suite simultaneously
12 . Variables in Robot Framework | User defined keywords
18. Get WebElements (2) | Deleting a specific entry
7. More on test automation, and web locators
6 . Writing custom libraries with python
8. Web locators (2) | Web locator strategies | Using the Open Browser Keyword
19. Understanding the headless chrome
5. Dictionaries in Robot Framework
13 . Suite Setup | Suite Teardown | Test Setup | Test Teardown
6. Explaining output files and tags in Robot Framework
3. Using the True and False variables in Robot Framework | Using the Run keyword And Return Status
11. More web locators | Using "contains" and "starts-with" in web locators
16. Loops | The for loop | The for in range loop
17. Using Get WebElements | Using Get Element Count
1. Built-in variables in Robot Framework | User defined variables | Set Local Variable