Making Uzbek Wedding Plov with Chustiy _Demo and Q&A_10/05/2020

Опубликовано: 10 Май 2020
на канале: British-Uzbek Society

#Cook4Uzbekistan Project by Kamola Makhmudova and British-Uzbek Society
#cook4uzbekistan first plov masterclass on Zoom with Bahriddin Chustiy

On 10th May 2020 an incredible event happened - the first ever international online master class of a famous celebrity Chef, Bahriddin Chustiy, who demonstrated live how to cook the real authentic Uzbek plov. Keep calm and cook plov!

Project producer : Kamola Makhmudova
Project communication director : Rosa Vercoe
Dance : by Sherzod Kenjabaev
Doira Music : Utkir MAKHKAMOV
Translation Rashid Shadat