Online talk by Dr Gaybullaeva Yulduz (Webster University, Tashkent) - 21st May 2021
On 21st May 2021, the British-Uzbek society hosted an online talk by Dr Yulduz Gaybullaeva. The speaker presented a talk on the topic "The history of the national dress of Uzbek women (XIX-XX centuries) and the societal changes".
In particular, the historical role of traditional clothing was noted as a kind of communicative feature that spoke about regional origins, social and marital status of a woman through some specific features - from the presence of individual elements and form of clothing, to its ornamental composition and use of particular colours.
In general, six historical and cultural areas were identified, where characteristic types of traditional clothing were formed: Fergana-Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya and Khorezm. All of them differed from each other in the types of dressing, differences in the methods of tying scarves, varieties of jewellery and ritual clothes.
The presentation contains a number of fascinating images and interesting historical facts that influenced the development of national clothes of Uzbek women throughout the XIX-XX centuries and beyond.