Episode 1: Rebuilding My Identity as a Working Mum in a New Country
When your career has defined you for years, what happens when you’re in a new country with no high-flying career, and that identity starts to fade? In this episode, HR professional and career coach Olutoyin Williams opens up about the challenges of rebuilding her sense of self after moving abroad. We explore the emotional journey of transitioning from a high-powered career executive to embracing the everyday responsibilities of motherhood while struggling to re-establish a new identity, build a business and restart a career in a new clime.
This conversation will resonate deeply if you’ve ever felt torn between who you were and who you need to become.
#ImmigrantMum #MotherhoodAndCareer #workingmums #immigrantexperience #careerandfamily #Trendymum
#RebuildingIdentity #immigrants #newbeginnings #womensupportingwomen #lifeabroad