This video will show you how to kite in league of legends as an ad carry. This is also known as orbwalking or player attack move. Kiting can be very difficult at fast. Kiting gets easier in league of legends when you practice. The more you practice orbwalking the better you get at league of legends. This is an important skill in league of legends and you can't win team fights without knowing how to kite in league of legends.
So how do you practice kiting? Well first you go to the red buff, and you start practicing kiting there. In order to do the player attack move, You need to right click and press shift at the same time to attack, then let go of shift and just right click your ways backward. That is how you successfully kite in league of legends. Orbwalking takes tons of practice, kiting is all about rhythm in league of legends. One of the best champions in league of legends to kite with has to be caitlyn or tristana. These champions are really good to practice with.
Hopefully this video helped you learn how to kite/orbwalk or player attack move. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will answer your question as soon as possible. Thank you for watching!