Chordoma Community Day Chicago
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Retainer: come funziona, perché e quanto tenerlo?
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Josh Sommer - The story of CF Labs
Dr. Jean-Paul Wolinsky and Dr. Victor Arrieata (Northwestern)
Frankie Codero, chordoma survivor
Dr. Vinai Gondi (Northwestern proton center)
Toni Neff, chordoma patient
Panel discussion - Chordoma Community Day Chicago
Dr. Sam Shahpar (Shirley Ryan AbilityLab)
Dani Pike, chordoma survivor/Chordoma Foundation
Lived experience - Bill Monahan - chordoma surivivor
Make an impact and go forward with hope - Dani Pike
Lived experience - Alyssa Lee - chordoma patient
A story of patient driven research
Navigating a rare cancer diagnosis: Lessons from Kathy Giusti's book, “Fatal to Fearless”
AMA with Josh Sommer and Shannon Lozinsky
How Chordoma Foundation Labs is accelerating progress and bringing hope to patients
Zoom-Cafe Germany with Prof. Beate Timmermann
Nutrition in chordoma care
Dealing with pain
Closing: Kaitlin Slepian
Managing mobile spine and sacral side effects
Advocating for your care
Managing clival and upper cervical spine side effects
The path to cures: research updates, CF Labs, Natural History Study