Lets try out ChatGPT to see how good it is in recreating a working Django app, in this case a LeadMagnet application. We summarize the findings in KPIs and recommendations for efficient use of ChatGPT for Django code generation.
This is a free part of the series of implementing an email-harvesting function using a Lead Magnet in Django. Get your own email-list by trading an asset for emails. By using a targeted asset, you get the right type of potential customers to your following. This function can be bought as a service, but this is a DIY approach if you are in to using Python and DJANGO. Part 5 of 4.
Part 1-3 sets up the Django code, that we will compare ChatGpt against here.
Part 4 sets up a SMAF analysis to descide if we can use it as a SaaS.
We have created a self-contained DJANGO-app, that can be reused in all your DJANGO projects. All essentials are now sketched out. Tag along on this ride!
00:00 Is ChatGPT generating code good?
00:48 Generating Model
02:46 Generating Template
03:36 Generating View
04:28 KPI 1 The Basic
06:40 KPI 2 The Multiplier
08:02 KPI 3 The Error Rate
08:31 Is ChatGPT generating Django good enought?