This is how I extend ChatGPT in CLI or OAI in terminal, with plug-ins.
Using the new OpenAI API feature Functions.
It is done using Python.
First test uses Notion, to store GPT output directly in a table.
But if it all works out, any integration can be made, and used with both GPT-4 and the cheaper GPT-3.5. (ChatGPT plugins are only available on +, and with GPT-4)
All it takes will be a Python class, containing a function that can be called (from your prompt).
See if I make it?
00:00 Plug-ins for OAI
00:31 Why Plug-ins
01:25 MVP Notion
02:00 Early Simplifications
02:40 Text format - Integration
03:10 Plug-ins or not?
04:10 Where we are
05:05 Up next
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