No sound just Video!
Table to Bar Chart
Chart Type: Table
Columns: SalesTerritoryCountry, Revenue, Revenue Label, Above Target Line, Below Target Line, Matrix Below Target, Matrix Above Target, Up and Down Color, Subtitle - Reporting Year Rev
PART I (Basic Table with dynamic Title)
1) Style: None
1.1) Horizontal Grid: white/ Vertical Grid: off/ Border: white
2) Values: 10
3) Totals: off
4) Cell Elements: (fx) for Revenue - Data bars only
5) Title-Text: (fx) Revenue Label/ Size: 30
6) Subtitle: (fx) Subtitle - Reporting Year Rev
6.1) Subtitle - Color: (fx) Up and Down Color
6.2) Divider - Spacing - Customize Spacing: Space below Sub-Titel area
= 10 px
Measures are in my GitHub: