Working Animation of Single Solenoid Valve | DCV | TS7STUDYZONE

Опубликовано: 24 Март 2020
на канале: TS7 StudyZone

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Working Animation of Single Solenoid Valve

A single solenoid valve has one solenoid, and shifts when voltage is supplied to that solenoid. When voltage is removed, it shifts back to a “home” position.

This means that a cylinder has a home position when hooked up to a single solenoid valve, and is in that home position when no volatage is supplied. Note that while many think of the home position as being cylinder retracted, if you switch the tubes to the opposite ends of the cylinder, the home position can be extended.

So, at the end of the game when power is cut, if voltage was being supplied to the solenoid, the cylinder will return to it’s home position. If no voltage was being supplied when the game ends, the cylinder will stay in the position it was working in. Depending upon what the cylinder was doing, this may or may not be desired