Hi everyone, my name is Masud, welcome back to the YouTube channel. It’s been a while but today we have a very interesting video topic.
Will physiotherapists ever be replaced by robots?
It’s an interesting question that I’ve been thinking about for a few days now after reflecting on the past couple of years and how much we’ve had to change our ‘normal’ routines and adapt via the use of tech to operate.
In this video i wanted to attempt to share my thoughts around this question (it’s a very deep one) and perhaps open up a discussion in the comments about your views. I would be interested to see what you had to say.
Upon reflection of the past couple of years we as physios and physio students have had to drastically change the way we operate in our normal sphere of our professional and student lives.
What would once have been a normal university lecture or seminar has now been replaced by a zoom call or digital webinar.
Some universities may be doing face to face learning but I think a lot have implemented the e learning model.
And similarly with practical sessions, alot of students have had to do their practicals online, which sounds quite crazy to me.
So what effect will this have on the future of physio if we were to continue like this and can we ever see Robots or AI (very Sci fi) conducting physio on people?
Personally my view is that physio is so human to human heavy that people (above the age of 20 today) will always look for that interaction.
As a physiotherapist you look to be able get the feeling of reward when helping a patient achieve their health goals.
Similarly as a patient, I would also hope you’d want to get guidance and reassurance from your professional friend constantly as you progress on your journey to better health.
Now how can a robot ever express a feeling of empathy or emotion that humans can feel or understand?
I’m not sure.
Can a robot ever transfer the magic of the human touch to another human?
Again Im not sure and inclined to say…I don’t think they can.
Do I see robots becoming an additional part of physiotherapy like to help empower patients more with self help advice and rehabilitation..I think I do. As there is always new tech coming out to help make the process of having physio more efficient.
But in the process reducing the interaction time with people/patients/therapists.
Just have a look at what is happening with G.Ps in the U.K. today.
Nearly of my patients who I see in the clinic haven’t seen their g.p face to face for nearly two years! They all have video calls now.
Very bizarre but it’s happening.
I think the younger generation of physios who will train in the coming years like let’s say 10 years from today are going to have a very different experience of learning physio and the way the practice is carried out will Ofcourse adapt with the times.
The reason I wanted to bring up younger people ( I mean like kids who are 5,6,7 years old today - the people of the future) is that they will be and are so immersed in technology that they will not or have very little human interaction just by observing the trends happening today.
Again super interesting to me to think about, not sure about you.
I could talk about these things forever but I like to keep my videos short and sweet so to conclude my opinion is that we will see changes in the way physiotherapy is practiced by people but I don’t ever think it will be one of those jobs where it would be taken over by a robot or AI, like banking or a news reporter or a doctor…
I guess you could make similar arguments as to why robots won’t take over those jobs in the future as well but it’s all up for debate isn’t it?
I hope you’ve enjoyed this video, quite different from the rest of the others I’ve made.
Thanks for watching.
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