1 тысяч подписчиков
104 видео
Preview and Whatnot
The 100 // Beautiful Crime
Kara & Alex // King and Lionheart
Supergirl Women // Shatter Me
Wynonna & Waverly // Hold Back The River
Kahlan & Cara *Confusion what is real*
"What A Wonderful World" // Multifandom [1k subs]
Farscape // Who Will Save you Now?
Amy Acker TV Characters // "How deep I go"
Emily Thorne // A Rush Of Blood To The Head
hope mikaelson // the wolf in your darkest room
The sense of me // BtVS
Legends of Tomorrow // "Leave me to dream"
Legacies // Uptown Funk [HUMOR]
Clarke Griffin // Sweet Dreams
Fringe // You Are a Memory
Rootless Tree // Supergirl
Daisy Johnson // Unsteady
The Last of Us // That's My Boy
Root // "Let The Human In"
Runaways // For Everything A Reason
Broken Crown // Once Upon a Time
Person of Interest // Come As You Are
Josie & Lizzie // "why do we bother to stay?"
"We Have It All" // The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [GMV]
Jane the Virgin // "If I could tear you from the ceiling"
"Circles" // Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra