Up to 2x08.
LoT ensemble / tribute vid.
I don't own rights and I don't make money, please don't hurt me.
"I chose you all because a hundred years from now, your lives have minimal effect on the recorded timeline."
"So we're not an elite team of heroes on a sanctioned mission. Just a collection of nobodies who time really doesn't give a damn about."
"I need to know that we can reach Rory. For my own sake."
"Is everything okay?"
"All I ever wanted to be was a soldier like you."
"There are no strings on me."
"I know who you are. I know the man you become."
"The way these people are being treated, that's the real aberration."
"Grey, no! No!"
"I'm afraid..."
"You should be afraid."
"Come back."
"We're a family. A messed up one, but still a family."