I know it's crappy. I actually believe that I found the crappiest part of my not-so-amazing project. But it's not what I'm asking. It's more like: NEW FANDOM! So, any thoughts on that? x)
I know... I know... I seriously need to vid something old. Like SV. Or LotS. But heck, I'm glad if inspiration finds me, or not, because then I'm vidding instead of studying, and believe me folks, that's no good. I have this little brain of mine which should not create vids 24/7 when there are serious tests and all kinds of incomprehensible things and classes, and equations and heck knows what those mean, because I don't, and I feel stupid, and I don't care, so I vid and you know. So yep, my life is all kinds of awesome as usual, and vidding something new makes me feel creative, which is stupid, because what I do is not creativity, it's throwing things together, and I'm not being artistic, I'm being lazy and I'm being ungrateful for these amazing fandoms which I butcher. So this is one example for the horrible things I do, because I do it, believe me, even if I shouldn't, even if I should just shut up and leave you be, and you won't read this damn thing anyway, I mean I could write here that you're and idiot, and I wonder how many people would ask me about it, because I think I'll just get away with it, and it's not like I think you're an idiot, I actually think that you're sweet, I mean you're obviously still reading this, though you should know by now that it's useless, meaningless, and it's just a waste of time, just like this video, but it's F r i n g e, and yes, I didn't dare to say aloud the fandom's name, because it's FOX, and the fox, that freakin' red animal doesn't like us vidders, and I don't know anything about this fandom, but I don't risk, because risk means bad things like suspension and stuff, and then you would have to find my new account which is msevids, if you wonder, but you probably don't, and I shut up now, because the vid is almost up, so bye and take care and don't worry even if you're not happy, but rather just be happy.
And whatnot. ;D