Heya, I know, I know, but I just had to get this out of my head. The idea of a video with these LotS girls has been in my mind for a month now. I don't even know in which point I decided to make it an instrumental project, but what I surely know is that I was having a hard time finding the right music. And when I finally decided beside Krwlng, I continued searching for a completely instrumental version, and that's when I encountered with "01hcirich01"'s MIDI version - and I totally loved it;D Just the right kind of orchestration. So I was being a real Balkan smartass, and used it in my video.xD Make sure you check out the original:
• Linkin park - Crawling / Krwlng orche...
But well, some kind of description to the video itself:
Don't try to over-interpret it. It's just a hastily made, poorly edited stuff, meant to be some kind of relationship study between these two characters. And no, I haven't started (femme)slashing...xDD It's really just about the road which Kahlan and Cara had from menace to girl talk... Also, it has a little bit of single character studies, about the difference between them, and the similarities they share. You might find some parallels, and also some Richlan and Leo/Cara parts(I tried, but I couldn't leave them out...xD). The video is basically a selection of clips that in some ways defined the Cara/Kahlan duo, or got into the vid because I just felt like that.:) Also, it was an excuse to experiment with coloring techniques.
So, it's nothing special or genious, but well, as I said, I had to get it out x)
For those, who are not watching the show and somehow got here, here's some basic information, maybe it'll help understand this mess :D
Kahlan(she's the brunette) is a Confessor. Well, more precisely she's the "Mother Confessor", which basically means that she's the head of the crew. Of course, considering the fact that there's not really any other living Confessors by now in the story it doesn't seem to have any significance, but well, just be good and believe me that it's still a huge stuff. Confessors are a symbol of Justice and Power in these lands, and with good reason. They have the power to make anyone do what they want, and all they have to do is to touch him/her. The person basically "falls in love" with the Confessor, and this "connection" is so powerful, that it destroys the personality and leaves nothing but the obsession for her. Only death can break the spell. It is often used on people with death sentence, because the confessed person is unable to lie, and it can be a final way to prove his/her innocence. Kahlan however is forced to use her power multiple other occasions in her situation. She gave her oath to protect the "Seeker of Truth", a hero of the people, and their journey isn't without any difficulties...
Cara(the blondie) however is a "Mord-Sith". Mord-Siths are the D'Haran ruler's elite team, they are able to control magic which is used against them, but they are more known for other reasons. They are trained to be able to break anyone's will with brutal methods and torture. Actually, every Mord-Sith is broken in this way when she's only a child, and that's how they extinguish kindness, and sympathy from them. Mord-Siths and Confessors don't have a good relation, they stand for very different virtues, and also, if a Confessor touches a Mord-Sith with her power, the Mord-Sith dies.
So well, now we know that Cara and Kahlan shouldn't be in each others company...xD The whole problem actually starts with that as it turns out, Richard, the Seeker, is also happens to be the next inheritor of the D'Haran throne. So Cara is also bounded by her oath...
So well, basically that's the basic.x)
Anything else that must stand here:
Original song: Linkin Park - Krwlng(a mixed version of their hit single "Crawling")
Instrumental cover by: 01hcirich01 [ / 01hcirich01 ]
Don't own anything, and even less :D
Legend of the Seeker goes to ABC, the story to Terry Goodkind.