Python program to find the unique values in a list | Get unique values from list in Python

Опубликовано: 29 Январь 2024
на канале: TSInfo Technologies

In Python, a list is an ordered collection of items, stored within [] brackets. Each element present in the list has an index associated with it. So, a Python List allows duplicate values within it. But, sometimes we only need unique elements from the list as another Python list. To get unique values from a list in Python we can use seven different methods listed below:
1. The set Data Type
2. List Comprehension
3. dict.fromkeys()
4. a Custom Function
5. Generators
6. Filter Function
7. collections.Counter

Welcome to TSinfo Technologies! In this Python video, I have explained how to get unique values from a list in Python using the above methods, that I came across with different examples.
I hope you understood all the methods clearly and will use them in your code to add only unique values to list in Python.
You can check out our complete article and get the sample code from:
Get Unique Values from a List in Python
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